2015 AEI Student Design Competition

Architectural Engineering Institute presents:

2015 AEI Student Design Competition

March 25, 2015, 8:00am – 5:30pm CT

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The Architectural Engineering Institute of the American Society of Civil Engineers is pleased to announce the AEI Student Design Competition.

The emphases of the competition are the integration of the engineered systems and construction management plan for a high performance building; collaboration; competition; and peer review, all of which are critical to building design and construction. Students are encouraged to work together in multi-disciplinary teams and consider how the engineered systems enhance the architecture of the building. Through the competition process, it is anticipated that students will demonstrate the knowledge and skills that will make them valuable building industry professionals. The challenging conditions specified for the competition will encourage the participants to think creatively and provide innovative solutions.

The competition is open to both graduate and undergraduate students in accredited architectural engineering programs and programs actively seeking accreditation by EAC/ABET. Students that are not enrolled in an accredited architectural engineering program or programs actively seeking accreditation by EAC/ABET may be members of the team but may not be the team leader. Teams from architectural engineering programs that are not accredited will be allowed to partner with students in an accredited architectural engineering program. Each team shall be supervised and advised by a faculty advisor or team of advisors. Submissions are to be entered in the building systems integration category and additionally one or more of the following four categories: structural systems design; mechanical systems design; electrical systems design; and innovative construction management and construction methods.


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